Mr. Shahzad Hassan Jaffar | Private Secretary to CM Balochistan | Balochistan Stars

Mr. Shahzad Hassan Jaffar | Private Secretary to CM Balochistan | Balochistan Stars

Shahzad Hassan Jaffar Private Secretary to chief minister personality of balochistan balochistan stars

Mr. Shahzad Hassan Jaffar | Private Secretary to CM Balochistan | Balochistan Stars

Mr. Shahzad Hassan Jaffar belongs from the rich soil of mussakhail from jaffar tribe , Mr. Jaffar lives in Quetta Balochistan since 2006, completed his education O levels from Beacon house Quetta and intermediate from PF Collage Quetta, further complete BBA and MBA from Iqra University Quetta,

letter in 2016 Mr. Jaffar started his career by passing the exam of Public service commission and the joined the Planing and Development Department as Assistant Director because of the expertise and hardwork Mr. Jaffar promoted to Chief Minister house and from 2018 has honor for serving the balochistan as Chief Minister Balochistan Private Secretary and Development Secretary | Mr. Shehzad has also interest in sports and in collage days Mr. Jaffar was a best football player of collage. For Complete Interview click the below video and for more stories visit our social media handles and official website link below

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