Dr. Sher Zaman Mandokhail

Associate Professor ENT BMCH, President Helping Hands BMC


Article by: Ms. Habiba Khan Kakar

Failures never lets anyone down if one’s integrity, ambition and envision to the success is strong. The success is  not  accidental  affair,  rather  it  is  hard  work,  perseverance,  learning  from  mistakesexperiences,  sacrifices and for most the love and passion  of what you are doing. A number of spirited personalities have come across different fields of life with different aims and ambitions yet a great leader is the one who admires capabilities of people. The one who works for the new generation and conquers all conflicts. The one who can do anything in the field, who is a process-master, can assist people, encouraging them by giving confidence to go ahead with objectives of a destined future.  With  crafted  with  optimism  and  the  one  who  believes  in  rising  like  a phoenix from its ashes.

Among such glorified leaders and the legends of Balochistan, is the great Dr. Sher Zaman Mandokhail (ENT Consultant Associate Professor BMCH and President of Helping Hands BMC Quetta).  In Balochistan different encouraging social workers, leaders who have  commended  their  efforts  to  facilitate  the  community  and  have  made  the  lives  of  such  masses prosperous,  who  could  not  afford  their  bread  and  butter  and  basic  amenities  of  life.  Dr.  Sher Zaman Mandokhail dedicated his life for the education and healthcare of such people.

The chronicle of Dr. Sher Zaman Mandokhail, from his childhood to the zenith of success is an example  of hard work  and  dedication  which  enlightens  that  how  the  success  in  the  life  is  earned  after  negotiating  with  the hurdles  and obstructions  throughout  his life. He has always been the nucleus and centerpiece for the people of Balochistan, when health and education related efforts are being carried out. . He has served for the poor of the society than focusing mundane gains for himself.

As for his educational background is concerned he always maintains that “ education is not just about going to school  and  getting  a  degree  it  is  rather  about  acquiring  knowledge  and  engrossing  the  truth  of  life  and exchanging it to the next generation.”  His basic schooling is from Model High School Zhob. Then he attended Government  Degree  College  Zhob  and  passed  his  higher  secondary  school  and  graduation  from  there, respectively.  Dr.  Sher  zaman  was  curious  and  passionate  about  the  medical  field  since  his  early  days  of education;  consequently  he decided to become a licensed medical  practitioner. After graduation he left for Quetta and got admission of MBBS at Bolan Medical College Quetta. He cleared MBBS and moved to Karachi for higher studies. From there he did his DLO from Jinnah Post Medical Center (JPMC). After achieving DLO he continued bringing the passion to do MCPS, and cleared it with remarkable success from CPSP Karachi. As education is the most powerful and  effective  tool that can be used to change  the lives  keeping  this very in view he never got satisfied and went for all the thoroughfares  available to him. He specialized in ENT and did his FCPS from CPSP Karachi.

He  started  his  career  by  clearing  BPSC  and  appointed  as  Assistant  Professor  at  Bolan  Medical  College. Later  on  after  several  publications  he  was  promoted  to  Associate  Professor.  Dr.  Sher  Zaman  Mandokhail started  the  journey  of  Ailing  Humanity  from  Bolan  Medical  College  when  one  of  his  patients,  after  going through  his surgery was  bearing massive expenses and was unable to afford his food,  after the day he decided to devote his life for people and started his services to the humanitarian grounds . He founded an NGO in BMC and named it Helping Hands.  It is an organization of doctors of 1980s. It was started by some doctors of BMC Quetta with the basic aim of providing Healthcare facilities to the poor at their doorstep. The organization was functional  till  2005  after  which  due  to  the  academic  requirements  of  the  members  the  same  organization couldn’t work further. The day after helping that patient in regard of his basic life utilities, he reestablished the Helping Hands and completed the process of documentation of this organization. He worked day and night and made this organization again useful for the best interest of the poor patients admitted in various public sectors hospitals of Balochistan.

After this immense achievement he started his work on his mission and served the people of Balochistan for the ailing humanity and masse of Balochistan.  Not  only  for  the  patients  but  also  he  accommodated  all  the other students of BMC and invited them to be a part of this organization. Later on with his great efforts more than  2000  doctors  and  students  got  their  membership  for  this  organization  belong  to  different  educational institutes of Balochistan. He was having a lot of mission for the health care system and different successful events have been organized by Helping Hands under his kind supervision which includes;  Free  Medical  and Surgical camp in different districts of Balochistan , Awareness of different diseases in different institutes of Balochistan,  Corneal  transplant,  Blood  donationGreen  BMC  Green  Pakistan,  Vaccination  of  hepatitis , Saylani  welfare  International  Trust  with  providing  free  meal  in  BMC  and  saryab  Road  at  Dokani  BaBa Chowk.  Among these events thousands of patients got treated free and being operated in the free medical and Surgical Camp, his kindness do not ends here even he always serve the people of his  village Zhob during EID  days  by  providing  treatments  and  surgeries.  Thousands of peoples have got awareness in regard of dangerous diseases such as Cancer. He ensured the safety of life not being limited to the ailing humanity but worked for plantation in BMC and BMCH and more than 3000 trees have been planted in BMC that  makes the environment  green  and  makes  the  place  better  for  the  people  admitted  and  living  there.  He worked on corneal  transplant  with  other  team  and  succeeded  10  corneal  transplantation  procedures  even  he  has donated his own eyes. He is the only person in BMC who serves meal to the people himself and this is how the way  of  seeking  prayers  from  all  those  people  and  making  the  way  to  the  Heaven.  Bone marrow transplantation,  mental  health  awareness,  free  medical  and  surgical  camps  across  the  country  are  the included  in  his  future  planning.  To  come  across  his  achievements  he  has  been  honored  by  having  different designation as, provisional adviser for Saylani Welfare International Trust Pakistan, Examiner undergraduate BMC QIMS and other  medical  colleges  of  the  Pakistan,  Supervisor  for  FCPS,  Examiner  post  graduate  CPSP,  Member  of otorhinolaryngology (PSORL), Member of tumor board at Cenar Hospital Quetta, Conference sectary PSORL, and the President of Helping Hands.

Politeness is that fragrance of flower that makes the way to humanity, a person with politeness, kindness, aspiration, prosperity and a envision can cross all the berries of conflicts and can reach to the destiny. I wish best of luck to Dr.  Sher  Zaman  Mandokhail  for  his  long  healthy  life  with  strength  of  happiness  and  his tremendous and humanitarian performance in future as well as our society really needs the selfless people like him…!!

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